We are supported by a team with personnel who have a certification of competence in the field of process, mechanical, electrical & control water pollution with more than 15 years of experience in the field of waste water treatment, sewage water treatment and water treatment

As for our Team include : 

1.Ir. Kamdi

Graduated from Chemical Engineering Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta
Expert in :
– The field of WWTP dan WTP with more than 15 years of experience

2. Drs. Gatot Darmasetiawan, MM

Post Graduated Trisakti University Jakarta
Expert in :
– Project Financial Control

3. Made Nanda Pratama, ST

Graduated from Institute Teknologi Nasional Malang
Expert in :
– Mechanical & Electrical Engineer
– Project Manager



Bring the company as an innovative and the best construction firm which has reliable resources    profesional and intregated to serve customer needs



      • Confering the best result to customer in quality, speed and perfection.

        • Confering customer needs.

          • Giving top priority to customer satisfaction.

            • Rising up employee welfare.

              • To become construction firm which able to compete in national and international level.


            Akte Pendirian                        : Notaris Sukarmin,SH.

                                                               No.5, Tanggal 23 Maret 2013

            SIUP                                          : No.01112/10-20/PK/PO/IV/2013

            TDP                                           : No.

            NPWP                                        : 31.640.118.1-403.000

            PKP                                           : No.PEM-00858/WPJ.22/KP.0803/201
